Amateur rig question


New member
So i hook up with 2 of my buddy into the crypto world.
We are interested to build a rig right now.
Mainly we want to mine BTC (or maybe ETH)
Here is our noob questions:
1.We may get 3-5 graphic cards. If the total price is about the same, which should we choose GTX1060, AMD RX 570 or 580?
2. Does the graphic memory important to mining process?
3.I know the website , but I don’t know how to calculate the profit if i use 570/580 to mine ETH and use all the card above to mine BTC. How to find out the rate?
You can’t mine bitcoin with those cards. Only alt coins. Most profitable right now is ETH. 580 is the best at around 30 MHs for ETH
You can mine for BTC if you set your rig to mine on You"re not actually mining BTC but alt coins instead and they pay you in BTC. is good, but they are taking part of your profits. Its easier to just mine ETH and sell it so you have the BTC. That way you don’t pay the Nicehash fee. Plus I believe nicehash only pays out once a week. I currently have 19 gpus mining ETH, and I use Ethos OS, which you can get on
Could go more versatile with invidia 1070s like we are using.
I bought a bunch 1060s on a budget when 1070 prices skyrocketed, but I do have 2 1070s. Also have 9 480s
The price of 1070 seems a little luxury for us.
One 1070 is perform better than two 1060, am i right?
I can overclock and get 21 MHs on each 1060. The 1070s will get around 28-31 overclocked
hmm, I saw the price of 1060 is half of 1070, and hears lots good thing about 1070.
So i guess as an beginner 1060 and 580 are a pretty good choice?
One question relate overclock: How’s your cooling system to the rig?
Nothing special. Open air frames with a fan pointing at them. Some don’t even have a fan. I’ve been running them for 4 months straight and have had no issues with overheating. 4 rigs
I run RX 480s. I have 4gb and 8gbs and when solo mining eth i get a stable 29 out of the 4gbs, and a stable 30 out of the 8gbs. Get the bigger memory cards because as the DAG increases, you’ll need the space. At some point in the very near future my 4gb cards won’t have enough memory to hold the dag and i’ll have to switch them to mining something less profitable than ETH.
Your not mining BTC for a profit with GPUs. Only Asics.
Ethereum is your best bet. for profitability and ROI, your best bet, in order (assuming 0.10 ~ 0.11 KW/h)
Nvidia 1070
Radeon RX Vega (tweaks have it up to 44 MH/s but it eats more power then the 1070)
RX 580
RX 480
i wouldnt consdier other GPUs or anything under 20-25 hash rate unless your getting the card at a prime hash rate.
if its me im buying the 1070s or Vegas. not only are they the most profitable but they have the best resell value when your done with them.
Also… people will dissuade you from some of these cards because of the power usage… but mining is a sprint not a marathon, its all about the hash rate… with the difficulty increasing your want to mine as much as possible in as short a time as possible.
agree with the prior poster… gof or 8GB cards only. 4 GB will soon be useless for mining if they cant hold the DAG