AMD Radeon RX VEGA 64 Mining Rig - INCOMING!

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After 10 days of tweaking, bench marking, and testing we have gotten our RX VEGA to the point where we have confirmed proof of concept on Hash rate and profitability. We are now looking to scale this into a full blown mining rig.
Our RX VEGA running on the new AMD beta block chain drivers, tweaked to adjust the fan speed has now run for 72 hours straight generating 42 MH/s @ 355W on Claymore’s dual miner (mining Ethereum & Decreed).
I’ve just purchased 4 more Gigabyte RX VEGA 64’s at cost ($599.99). I’m in the process of building my open air case now…
After looking into power supplies, i realized i had 2 platinum rated 1000W HP server power supplies. purchased two X6 breakout board to connect to my 5 RX VEGAs.
Vega’s ship on the 29th. so ive got some time to prebuild this thing…
We switched our vega to NiceHash today, and while the efficiency/MH/s took a hit (dropped to 37 MH/s @ 390W our profitability saw a 15+ % gain.
NiceHash would pay us out daily in BitCoin at approx $3.80 a day ($114/mo). Our power costs would run up to $26/Mo. for a profit of $88/Mo. ($10 more then straight mining Ethereum)
with 5 cards That comes out to $440/Mo. profit.
If AMD releases final release driver or NiceHash adds RX Vega support (they dont which is why their optomizer kills our hash rate/efficiency) we could maybe see further boosts.
All-in we are at $3000 invested. a 6 to 9 month ROI at those rates and an estimated $75-$150 resale are of the cards in 12 months if profitability dips is some protection against difficult/ROI.
I’ll post pictures/rates as i go. any suggestions or advice for building this thing are welcome :)
I dont know man!!! I simply dont like this power draw…its better buy 2 GTX 1060 6gb, and you`ll get 43 to 44 MHs with 250w power draw!! I think AMD made this VGA mining proof throught bios mod to avoid miners…its really a LOT more profitable to make a H110 BTC PRO motherboard + 2 EVGA 1300w supernova and 13 GTX 1060!!! The ultimate ROI now is GTX 1070 with 32MHs each and 125w…im really away for these days, but ill come to the pub with some threads to help and show people how to master the mining game! next week i start to be more active here and we can share more experiences, but im really want to see this beast in action!! Can you upload some photos?
I’m not really worried about the power to be honesty… at .10 KW/h the difference 125W to 350W is $14 a month.
the difference from 32 MH/s ($67/month in ETH) to 41 MH/s (86.5/Month in ETH) is a $19 difference.
To me i want the increased hashing power. Especially since electicity costs are static, but the generated ETH coins will have added profit through growth.
In other words saving $15 in power isnt the same value as generating an extra $15 in Ethereum as the Ethereum can grow in value with $15 in electricity is always worth $15.
Beyond that… the memory and the DAG to me is huge. Vegas have HBM2 memory. This is very high bandwidth compared to GDDR5. As a result overclocking it probably won’t do anything notable. Not today, and quite likely not in 6 months form now either. This means that A) since memory isn’t acting as a bottle neck overclocking core will make a difference and give you a higher hashrate, and that B) the DAG increase won’t have much of an impact on Vegas hashrate despite significantly dropping most miners hashrate.
the GTX 1060 6 GB will likely run into issues around epoc 200-202 not having enough memory to hold the dag. not to mention both the 1060 and 1070 are equally if not harder to find then the VEGAs and the cost isnt really much cheaper ($599 for VEGA, 500-550 for 1060/1070)
For me it boils down to this:
  1. VEGA will be less effected by the DAG for much longer then the GDDR5 cards or 4GB/6GB cards
  2. VEGA hash rate is the highest by a 4-5 MH/s allowing for maximum coin return in the next 1-3 months, before difficulty cuts into all mining profits
  3. the extra power costs are offset by a higher mining return rate… of which you can invest and make profit on.
We did a case study on this in our meeting this morning to decide on 1070 vs. VEGA vs. just investing $2400 in BTC:
We bought the launch day RX Vega 64 for $637 and 4 more today at $599 each. a total investment of:
The Average NVIDIA GTX 1070 goes for $500. So for that same cost you could buy 6 GTX 1070
5 VEGA’s vs. 6 GTX 1070’s
RX VEGA 42 MH/s @ 355W X 5 = 210 MH/s @ 1,775W
GTX 1070 32 MH/s @ 125W x 6 = 192 MH/s @ 750W
image.png829x411 39.1 KB

GTX 1070:
image.png836x419 39 KB

The GTX produces $351/Mo profit vs. the VEGA at $315.
But when we run our simulations over 12 months, with difficult/DAG increases the VEGA is more resistant and its hashrate more constant. considering we need 6-9 months to reach ROI, having our rig be as resistant to Difficult/size increases as possible was important. We also considered the resale value of the Graphics cards in 12 months, and felt the VEGA’s would have higher resell value to gamers.
We also are not convinced that the Hashrate of the VEGA cant hit 45-50 M/s. Just cooling the cards cause an enormous spike from 34~38 range to 38~42 range. The finalrevisions of the blockchain driver is on its way with hopefully more gains as well as more support for the VEGA in the mining software.
I don’t disagree the 1070 is a fantastic card and the current gold standard for GPU mining… but i do feel that the gap is greatly exaggerated and that in 6 months things may change on which is more profitable (at least in the USA or areas at 10 kw/h energy costs).
People just look at the high power and write it off. but the VEGAs are still highly profitable with room to grow and the most resisitant to difficulty.
If Ethereum scales heavily in price, this also favors the VEGA more in profitability.
Right, really good points, but you are not considering some facts:
1 - If you will run just 1 or 2 rigs, this power draw is not an issue BUT, multiply this per 10 or 20 and you will face a REALLY BIG problem!
2 - Building a RIG just to mine Etherum right now i think that is a mistake, increasing difficultty, PoS will force you finally turn your rigs to ZEC or any other equihash coin soon or later, DAG will not be a problem to 6GB cards AT ALL, trust me!
3 - When you talk about HBM2 you need to realize that the bandwith is higher, but the clocks are LOWER witch for me, is not really cost effective in terms of power x hashrate
Im telling you this, because i just went into a very deep research to put our OP online, and if you consider the trend, what the big guys are telling us (Asus, Nvidia, AMD etc)? More GPUs, less motherboards, less power consuption! the reason why we are seeing motherboards with 12, 13, and now with 19 PCIe!!
EDIT: Oh and off course, i forget to tell you about the MAJOR PROBLEM with ANY AMD card…put 1 or 2 rigs in a room, one AC could get it done, but put 300 cards togheter and you will see your profit flying away hard!! when we are talking about large size OP, you need to consider ALL factors, 10 degrees + per card and you have a really big problem!!!
@neomining - Thanks for the input. we are doing this based on calculations on 1 card and scaling out and simluatons. So it is great to get real world perspective from someone who has done it. regarding your points:
  1. We are small scale now and dont have the capital yet to grow into a larger mining operation. We hope our profits/gains from this rig will lead to capital to continue to grow. I do realize that once you start going 2N or even 2^N on a 5-6 GPU rig with vegas the power consumption becomes a problem. For us, since we are low on capital, we wanted the biggest hash/highest coin rate early on. once we scale bigger those things will certainly factor in… but spot on!
  2. We agree. and we have our eye on Ethereums turn to PoS from PoW and estimate anywhere from 90-180 days. We know Ethereum isnt a long term mining solution, but as mentioned in response to point #1, we want as much capital as quick as we can get it… and early on thats Ethereum… as i mentioned in my OP, we have toyed with moving to NiceHash, but they have no native VEGA support yet, and its optimizers kills all our driver tweaks taking our hash back down to like 37-38. but long term we likely move to nicehash who im sure willl add vega support.
  3. Agree on less footpring beyond the cards themselves. 1 board 1 power supply is great… although we dont like 1 power supply. one because we dont want to run a 1500W supply and second we dont like single points of failure. We dont want all 5 cards offline if our power supply fails. if one fails, we can still run 3-4 cards on the other while we source and swap out the supply.
Thanks for the input. power efficiency will certainly grow in importance for us as we scale… but for now its just churn as much coin as we can in the first 60 days.
we are also looking into free options for power… we have clients who may allows to run our rig in their facilities as courtesy.
You are putting this together the right way my friend!! Look at short term, make profit then scale this DOGEEE up…remembered me when i started with a DIY rig with 4 HD 7970, my bedroom was SO HOT man…i think that from this point i really realized that the major issues about scale it up would be Temperature and Power Consumption!! When the pascal ERA showed up, at the first hand i thought “NAAAA…another nvidia game SH%T” but, when this rigs turned into 4, then 8, then i capitalize investors, i realized that Nvidia are here to stay in the mining scene!!
P.S: About the power supply, when you turn to scale this up, you will prefer LESS power supplies, you dont even imagine how much noise this things can do when theyre running together! hehehehehe
Keep mining, keep profitable, avoid power consumption, avoid higher temps then 68 - 69 degrees, and if you have clients or partners who can run it for you, for a split i think (nothing in this world is FREE, remember that), i believe that you will do just fine, and you certainly can scale it up, like i did!
Keep us updated and i wish you all the luck!!
P.S: Sorry for my bad english, so much time living in a spanish country that i simply forgot all that ive learned! kkkkk
I ordered last week 7 x 1070 cards. Was considering the Vega 64 but the power draw vs cost vs performance vs head all pointed out to 1070 be a better buy (in my opinion). Also i got a great discount on each 1070 card (almost 100 dollar) so it was no brainier.

Asus Dual GeForce GTX 1070 OC grafikkort (8 GB) - Datorkomponenter

Turn your gaming desktop into a powerful machine with Asus Dual GeForce GTX 1060 OC graphic card. Handle even 4K gaming and demanding VR games thanks to Boost mode overclocking, 8 GB RAM and powerful dual Wing-Blade fan cooling.

Price last week was 3999kr = 311$
Now i need to wait for 2-3 week before delivery. One thing i still dont know is how i will install them, dont have any good rig. Any tips is appreciated.
where is that photo from? i like how the square alumunum tube has a ledge built into it so you can inlay cross sections. do you have a link?
Yes very lucky 😃
If i calculate correct i should get my money back in 172 days which is nice. Although difficulty & price might change but still.
This rig looks so nice, I have to visit my local hardware store to find something similar…i wish we could buy these for reasonable price. Amazon has some nice ones but they are way to expensive. I could for sure pay for getting something really nice like this if the price isnt to high…
Wow, I love all the analysis here on the VEGAs Vs. GTX 1070s. We are currently running GTX 1070 setups so this is very interesting to read about. Keep us posted on your progress. It would be good to see how the heat output of the VEGAs compares to the heat output of the GTX 1070s. More power in means more heat out.
We are going to vent out directly from the open air cage to outside the building using aluminum duct and fans. and then from the back side pump in air with duct and fans.
Fan/Duct -----> RIG ----> fan/duct ----> outside
One of us does HVAC for a day job, which is nice :)
Man i’m excited for you! I wish i could join you, but i spent my money on rx 480s at $200 a pop a few months ago before things went bat shit crazy, and I’m already past my ROI which i pulled off in just under 3months. I run 19 cards and pull 28.8-30.5mh/s per card totalling 552 mh/s ETH, and 16000 mh/s dual Decred. I don’t even know where to find any new GPUs in stock at this point.
wow… 16000 MH/s??? what are you using to mine with for Decred?
How many months did it take you to get ROI?
I wish i could get the 480 or 580 at MSRP. those things for for 400-500. same with the 1060/1070s.
I’m excited to i just hate being late to the game! wish i started mining earlier. ill feel better when i hit my ROI for sure. but it is fun!
I mean my exact number is closer to 15500 because it’s summer here in houston and near 100f (37c) outside. I’m just using Claymore. I adjusted my cards timing straps, and use MSI afterburner to oc. I mine on supernova. I use windows 10 and the latest AMD drivers and MSI afterburner.

Wish i could get ahold of a new one, and see what i could do with that sucker. lol
Gonna throw this out there. Just built an 8 GPU Mining Rig about a month ago. GTX 1060 6GB Drawing 700 Watts total from the wall after tweaking and getting 23.3 Hash Rate Per Card (Roughly 185-190)
Overclocked using MSI Overclock -200 Core Clock +600 Memory Clock and 70% Power Draw.
After investing I also put down $1300 to invest in trading. In this past month I have mined about 250 UBQ Coin making a decent Profit as it has gone up. HOWEVER I have made $950 this past month trading resulting in almost double the profits. You have to look at this long term not short term. That draw from those Vegas is insane. While your 2 cards will get 85 Hash your drawing just as much if not more than my 8 GPU’s combined.
Bottom Line not to bash you but you jumped into things quickly and you need to plan for the long term. If money is what your after trading is way better honestly. Or get something more sustainable. Again sorry but figured id share.