Money Train 3 - complete disaster lately?


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so after swearing to never touch another money train game again, guess who got sucked into trying mt3 today... 🎣

deposit £100, started at 40p stake cause i'm not completely mental. first 200 spins absolute deadsville, not even a proper tease. then bang - get the bonus feature, choose free spins over the respin thing.

get literally EVERY modifier - more collectors, more necros, start from level 2, the lot. thinking this is finally gonna be the one...

20 spins later: total win 16.80. SIXTEEN BLOODY QUID.

how do they keep getting away with these "modifiers" that do absolutely nothing?? had TWO necromancers land with zero collectors entire bonus. why even give "more necros" if they're just gonna stand there looking pretty??

at least the night theme looks cool i guess 🌙
mate at least you got modifiers, i've had 15+ bonuses on that game and never seen more than 2 picks before the boot lmao
also respins actually pay better than regular bonus most times, just saying...
here we go again, another relax reskin... you know what's really taking the piss? they're literally releasing them faster than you can grind through the wagering on welcome bonuses now lol
bet365 still running it at max RTP at least, unlike certain other sites *cough* WH *cough*
here we go again, another relax reskin... you know what's really taking the piss? they're literally releasing them faster than you can grind through the wagering on welcome bonuses now lol
bet365 still running it at max RTP at least, unlike certain other sites *cough* WH *cough*
FACTS!! feels like every month there's another one. next up: money train space edition? money train medieval? money train does your taxes?
but watch me still try every single one hoping for that 5000x 🤡
honestly mt3 isn't that bad if you forget about the hype. got a 450x on it last week in base game, those persistent symbols actually do something sometimes
regular bonus is garbage tho, agree with @FluFFy respins are the way
been saying this since mt2 - these games are getting more volatile with each release. base game is completely dead now compared to original
tried this one on videoslots, absolute state of it. think they've got the 94% version running, wouldn't touch it there
guys pls tell me there's a name for that thing where you get 3 scatters, excitedly pick your modifiers, then watch in horror as not a single collector lands for 15 spins straight
because that's my entire money train experience lately 💀
played about 1000 spins on this yesterday at bet365, some observations:
- base game can actually pay okay with the persistent stuff
- respins average 50-80x if you fill 2+ reels
- regular bonus is complete dogsh*t, don't bother
- dark theme looks nice but why collector wearing shades? 🤔
maxed RTP makes a difference btw, tried it on paddy's and it was proper dire
dark theme looks nice but why collector wearing shades? 🤔
because he's a ~secret agent~ now innit 😎
but yeah respins seem way better, got 280x on it earlier today. normal bonus just trolls you with all them useless powerups
almost as bad as that curtain thing in money train 2, anyone ever seen that actually do anything?
oh hell i tracked this for a wile at £1 stakes:

- 4000 spins total
- 6 respins (avg 45x)
- 8 bonuses (avg 35x)
- one 500x in base
- about £2k down

honestly think they've nerfed it since release
actual RTP difference between bonus types:
  • regular bonus - 96.5%
  • respins - 96.7%
  • base game - 94.2%
no wonder base feels so dead lately :rolleyes:
where'd you find these numbers? help file only shows overall 96.2%
proper sneaky if true
tried explaining this to support... got the usual "games are regularly tested for fairness" response
mate testing what exactly? how consistently it can pay 20x? 😒
lol same support who told me persistent symbols were "working as intended" after watching same symbol appear 12 times with zero collectors
just hit persistence sniper into necro... paid 8x 💀
think i'm actually properly done this time. see you all on money train 4 though probably 😅
ain't that the truth 😂 we all say we're done then crawl right back
what's hilarious is how they don't even try to hide it anymore, just slap a new theme on the same broken mechanics and call it a day
at least mt3 looks decent unlike that wild west version... seriously who approved those graphics?? also noticed they finally fixed that collector duplicate bug. only took them 3 months 🙄
unpopular opinion maybe but i actually enjoy these games? yeah they're brutal but when they pay they PAY. got my biggest ever win on mt2 (1200x)
plus the shady collector has grown on me. he's like a toxic ex you keep going back to 😂