Buying Lots of Neo


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Hey guys I’m thinking about buying lots of neo ($50,000-$100,000) and was just wondering what the best way to do it would be. For example I don’t really want to buy bitcoins from coinbase because of the fee then convert it to neo. I also don’t want to draw such a large amount of money from my bank because it could be flagged. Maybe there’s a place where I can buy bitcoins for cash? Don’t really know the best way to acquire that amount of neo, could really use some help. Thanks!
With Coinbase, you can always transfer your money directly (FREE) to them which takes about 7 days. Then when your money is available, transfer to GDAX (also FREE), buy ETH (much cheaper than BTC transfer), transfer back to Coinbase, transfer to an exchange you use, then buy your TON of NEO (and maybe transfer to a NEO wallet to collect gas!)!
Check out the beginner’s help too!
Don’t use BTC as a transfer medium! Use LTC! You’ll save on fees and get your coins to an exchange quicker.
Or… set up a Tether account to buy USDT and send that to Bittrex. This might save you 1.5%… maybe more considering Coinbase/GDAX always has the highest prices.
I would recommend averaging out your purchase over a longer time… Especially right now, my estimate is there is a huge risk of a bear market (having experienced the gold market first hand, with about similar amounts lost, it currently ‘feels’ identical, gold was going to hit 50.000 usd remember )
The upside of 100k is a lot but the downside really,
… Really,
Once you’re all in you will be watching it every second of the day
Unless 100k is change to you 😄
Just my 50 mbtc :)
You can actually skip the step of sending it to coinbase right, because I sent it the other day from GDAX straight to Bittrex. Or is that more expensive?
To not do it.
The price does not really reflect is momentarily but I think NEO is in a really bad space.
Not entirely true. If you do the whole Coinbase - GDAX process to get your BTC, you can transfer your BTC from GDAX to Bittrex for free. I have done it multiple times.
yes, but once you transfer it to an exchange the fee for transfer BTC is much higher and it is also slower than for LTC.
Yes, it’s instant between coinbase and gdax as they are one and the same. But, OP wants NEO. You can’t by NEO on gdax.
I can’t confirm on the fee being free from gdax to bittrex, but I somehow think it’s not zero.
Can you exchange LTC for NEO? Last time I checked, you can’t. So, even if you transfer with LTC, you still have to convert to ETH or BTC before you can trade for NEO. Am I missing something here?
Here’s what I normally do: Coinbase USD Wallet (free) - transfer money to GDAX (free) - acquire BTC on GDAX (free) - transfer BTC to Bittrex (free) - trade for NEO (Bittrex fee).
Gotcha. I haven’t attempted your method before so you would be best to know on it. There is still the wait for the BTC to show up though. Right?
Yes, I have noticed that the transfer of BTC from GDAX to Bittrex is comparable to that of ETH, but certainly slower than LTC. I don’t recommend people to transfer just prior to trading. I always have my BTC ready in Bittrex before the hunt!
Yea, but its cheaper to Send the LTC from coinbase to the exchange, buy bitcoin and with that bitcoin buy Neo.
No, your method is slightly inferior because you pay trading fees twice (LTC-BTC and BTC-NEO). Paying twice the trading fees (0.25%) adds up over time. You can justify your method if you want it quick, which from my experience is not that much quicker (from GDAX to Bittrex). I always have some BTC in Bittrex, ready for an exchange. As Stephen Covey recommended, prioritize what’s IMPORTANT but NOT URGENT!
It is a lot of money man. Don’t be too concentrated on the fees. Your profits will make you forget about them. Buy safe on Gdax and transfer the btc to bittrex. Make it by smaller junks. Never do it at once.