How do you grow a crypto portfolio?

There’s nothing wrong with putting in fresh money, provided you are OK with the risk of losing what you put in. In fact, putting in fresh money is essential (I think…) in order to start building up your portfolio.
My intention is to put in some fresh money with my next paycheque, and this will go into altcoins. Haven’t decided which ones yet.
As I say, I’m new to this too. If anyone finds I’m incorrect about things I post, please do correct me!
Hey Reaper where do you get your BTC from? I got some from coin base with credit card and find the fee’s very expensive £1.99 for £20 of BTC do you know where with cheaper fee’s and does it make a difference in fee;s by direct bank transfer instead of using a credit card. I tried to add bank to coin base but it only takes euro not pounds so bank wants £4 in fee’s. As you can tell i’m very new to this.
Any advice people help.
Hiya @skycoin76 😀
TL;DR I bought 1BTC outright as an initial investment. I wanted a full BTC as my base investment. Going forward I will be investing smaller amounts in altcoins and use trading as a way to take profit as BTC.
I’d been planning to get in to BTC for a while, but it wasn’t until last month that I decided to take the plunge. I’ve been saving money for the last year towards home renovations etc, and put some aside as ‘savings’. At the time I decided to buy in BTC was just under £3000. I also went with coinbase, but because they didn’t have direct GBP transfer available I had to do a Euro transfer. This took 5 or so days to go through (and cost £10 fee).
By the time it appeared in my coinbase account, BTC was over £3000. This annoyed me as now my £3000 would get me 0.98BTC. RAR!!!
As luck would have it, some bastard banker at JP Morgan trashed BTC the next day ( The ensuing price drop meant I could now afford my precious 1BTC. I bought it, and the price had gone down enough that I actually got a little bit more. That extra bit covered the transaction fee when I transferred my 1BTC to my Trezor.
Of course, at the same time, JP Morgan invested huge amounts for their clients in various crypto funds.

Moral of the story: If a banker says ‘regular people should definitely not do XYZ’, do XYZ.
Also, I’m not particularly down with coinbase from now on precisely because their fees are so high.
Hi Reaper thanks for the reply and sharing your story. I was going to buy at £1000 but then it went to £1500 so i left it. Then i checked the price again £2500 thought i missed the boot now its £4000 plus. So I said sod it I’m buying some now LOL. If it drops back down I don’t care at less I tried :) .
So if you don’t mind me asking where you use now if your not using coin base?
learn to use ichimoku cloud. learn TA and make 10-20% trades every single day, except when the market is moving sideways or you are confusd, then don’t do anything and just watch charts. gotta getta feel for how they move. use 4-6 hour charts. these charts are fractal, meaning you’ll see the same pattterns at 1 minute as you will at 1 week. so… patience to enter longer trades. they are the same trades based on the same market movements, they are just UHREAL HUGE profits when you get those right and your confidence and portfolio has grown enough for you to act with some worthwhile money, not 20s and 10s.
as i tell my jazz saxophone students: there is a secret, a skeleton key, for getting exceptionally good at jazz: lots of practice.
i guess it goes without saying to do research fundamental analysis on your picks, learn about projects and pratice proven risk management methods. there is very good beginner’s book called How to daytrade for a living
why don’t you show yourself by going to the charts and using the price range tool in coinigy or tradinview and finding all the 10-20% daily pumps? they are everywhere.
in fact, I just happen to have KMD open because i love that project and loooook:

32 AM
cody 2017-10-18 at 6.58.32 AM.png1270x610 43.7 KB

that’s a 1 hour chart. that’s just beyond a one day window, but you get the idea.
sometimes. when i using fibonacci you can get pretty damned close. but i prefer adjusting those #s by 3-5% if i’m in a conservative mood.
i get it. you are being gently skeptical, no? anyway, good luck!
it has a lot of market information built into it that can be taken in at one glance. i suggest reading about it and wtching some videos to see if it is a good fit for you. a good beginning book on the matter is “how to make money trading the ichimoku system”
also, learn how to instantly understand the price action by readin the candles. they really do contain a lot of information about opening and cloing price for your chosen time period, and can be great indicators of whether it’s bulls or bears controlling the buying.
and last thing, if you HODL something, oh i don’t know, Bitcoin? you can get MUCCHCHHHHH LARGE returns. larger than national. Moon are for strong hands.
Guys another question! haha i know you’ve all helped me way to much already! When the market is down, is there a way you can still grow your portfolio? Thanks!
@Reaper I have read some posts saying coinfloor is expensive on fee’s to but I guess if the price goes up in the coin you have brought it don.t matter. Either way I need to add my bank ac some how to withdraw when the time is right.
I’m very new to cryto’s and the biggest thing that concerns my at this point in time is security, what do you guys think is the safest way to sort your coins? Is having a pc wallet safe? I don’t keep coins in exchanges as someone got hacked and he lost 2.6 BTC.
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated.