Roger Ver deposits 25,000 BTC to Bitfinex to manipulate the market

Sorry if I was rude earlier. I’m usually a pretty rational guy, but something about this situation just has me overly emotional.
Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to profit and gain financial security (although I think greed did play a large part as well). It’s all the other shit that really gets me going though (that I listed in my previous response).
Prove to me the fraud. I don’t give 2 shits about roger ver and i’ve never met the guy. You CAN convince me. So lets see it.
The very definition of fraud is: “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain”. Everything I’ve listed in this thread qualifies (at least in my opinion).
Anyway, I just pulled an all nighter, so I’m headed to bed. Should be interesting to see what shit storm I wake up to. lol
Prove his gains. Lets treat this like a courtroom, or atleast a DA’s office… Show me proof. What gains did he make, who did he conspire with. Lets see it.
The very definition of fraud is: “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain”. Everything I’ve listed in this thread qualifies (at least in my opinion).
Anyway, I just pulled an all nighter, so I’m headed to bed. Should be interesting to see what shit storm I wake up to. lol
Prove his gains. Lets treat this like a courtroom, or atleast a DA’s office… Show me proof. What gains did he make, who did he conspire with. Lets see it.
thanks. That ICON will save the day, bought 8 ETH at ICO, so anything greater than $1 would be a great return.
BTW I’m not ditching all my Bitcoin, I’m just reducing my exposure to risk by cashing some out while on top.
Wow nice investment that might pay for a house if you HODL long enough🤞🤞
He can do what he wants.
You guys. Let’s keep it civil. It’s the free market.
We don’t have to agree on anything, except the mass proliferation of bitcoin and blockchain to every corner of the globe.
If that happens. We all win.
Its a very dangerous precident to set if we are going to say that people are manipulating bitcoin markets because other people are watching their blockchain addresses. And what would people who already hate him be saying about roger ver had he actually sold those bitcoin?
I think the issues at the moment is that the hatred for SegWit2x has shifted on to BCH, and the already pre-existing distaste for BCH by the divide, has been fuelled by the cancellation of SegWit2x, and created a divide within the crpyto community.
I think either way, we are in a different era of crpytocurrency, everyone needs to accept that.
I have been with BTC from it its birth, and where we are now, is a massive market with competition, and with that will come affiliation to particular coins.
Either way, what ever your ideology behind your choice, is yours to make and yours to keep.
Let the FUD and debacle die down, and let the coins do their thing
did you watch the markets being traded last night at all? i took video of the order books being stacked on my exchange last night. its ridiculous that people dont understand basic market manipulation. how are there people doubting that the cofounder of bitmain and his butt buddy dont have the mining/BTC/BCH power to manipulate the market. why do you think isnt including bithumb in its price for the BCH market cap evaluation?
yeah lol still no proof man. I asked you to convince me. Pretend I am a noob. Show proof. Not insults.
We all noobs in our own ways. No need to call names tho!
Keep it positive! If crypto survives we all win!
you should try informing yourself rather than asking others do the legwork for you 😛 its okay ill buy your BTC from you if you want lol
Its really a stretch to say that roger ver amongst other things, is a master of order book manipulation. People spend their whole lives trying to perfect that game, and last night was about as hectic as any market I have ever witnessed.
I think peter is touching on an important theme here though. The whole reason that /r/btc exists, the whole reason that Ver is pissed off, and the whole reason that you are grasping at straws is because of your inability to accept opposing viewpoints. You think that you are the expert and all others are just to stupid to understand. Its toxic. Its the reason ethereum is as popular as it is, its the reason bitcoin cash is as popular as it is, Its the reason that dash is as popular as it is.
i dont think im an expert by any means but it just shows that you have nothing to stand on other than repeating a question which had already been answered. follow the wallet trail:)
You have nothing to stand on other than roger ver sent bitcoin in and out of bitfinex last night. What about the pump during the previous night? Do you still blame roger?